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日期:   2012-09-26          点击量:  



Weimin Han将来我校为数学试验班学生进行为期三周的专题授课,

题目为“Theoretical Numerical Analysis”。

时间:第7周 周一(10.8)晚7:10—10:00,周三(10.10)下午4:10--6:00
第8周 周一(10.15)晚7:10—10:00,周三(10.17)下午4:10--6:00
第9周 周一(10.22)晚7:10—10:00,周三(10.24)下午4:10--6:00




Weimin Han教授讲课简要内容提纲


The lectures cover some basic ideas and tools for students in mathematics
who are interested in working on applied mathematics, especially on
numerical analysis, from a theoretical perspective. They are meant to
help the students to move more rapidly into a research program.

Lectures 1 & 2: Normed spaces and Banach spaces, inner product spaces and Hilbert spaces, and concrete function spaces.

Lectures 3 & 4: Linear operators and functionals, geometric series theorem, principle of uniform boundedness, Riesz representation theorem, weak convergence.

Lectures 5 & 6: Different means of approximation, best approximations in normed spaces and in inner product spaces.

Lectures 7 & 8: Sobolev spaces, definitions and properties; knowledge on Sobolev spaces is a must for modern PDE and the numerical solution of PDEs.

Lectures 9 & 10: Weak formulations of elliptic boundary value problems of PDEs, solution existence and uniqueness.

Lectures 11 & 12: An introduction to the finite element method, the most
popular numerical method for solving elliptic boundary value problems and problems in some areas of sciences and engineering.


陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号     西安交通大学数学与统计学院

邮编:710049     电话 :86-29-82668551     传真:86-29-82668551
